Win Without War

Write your Senator to end blank checks for graft and greed!

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To date, the Pentagon has failed FIVE audits (the only five it has ever even conducted). Last year, the Dept. of Defense couldn't account for over half of its assets — well over a TRILLION dollars in weapons, ships, and aircraft for which the paper trail is missing or incomplete.

Services that directly benefit people and their families face exhaustive debate and stringent budgetary cuts, but year after year no one can accurately answer the question: Where do the Pentagon’s dollars go?

Now, imagine the uproar if any other department, from State to Education, could account for less than half of its assets or allowed contractors to overcharge them by 4,451%.

Despite being the largest spender among U.S. agencies, the Pentagon remains the ONLY federal agency to never pass an independent audit. Why? There’s no penalty for failing.

That’s why a bipartisan group of U.S. senators, led by Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), introduced the Audit the Pentagon Act of 2023 to put teeth in the congressional audit requirement. If any Pentagon office fails the audit, it would have to return 1 percent of its budget to the Treasury for deficit reduction.

With a budget of nearly one trillion dollars — and a track record of failure — that could mean billions of dollars the Pentagon puts back in the bank. So let’s go get our money.

Join us to demand accountability! Sign and send a letter urging your Senators to support the bipartisan Audit the Pentagon Act of 2023 now.

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