Win Without War

Tell Pres. Biden: Humanitarian aid must include fuel

While trucks carrying humanitarian aid were finally able to enter Gaza with life-saving drinking water, food, and medicines in recent days, an essential element has been missing: Fuel.

The Biden administration and the international community are thankfully doing more to secure and prioritize getting critically needed humanitarian aid to Gaza in the face of the Israeli government’s blockade — but it’s still not enough. Without the fuel necessary to keep hospital generators and ambulances running, these relief efforts will be hamstrung, and lives will be unnecessarily lost.

The human costs at this moment are already too heavy to bear. The Biden administration — as a key ally to the Israeli government — must do all it can to save lives. Our voices have already played a pivotal role in calling on the White House to respond to the ongoing crisis with more aid, and it’s time to go further.

Can you add your name to an urgent petition calling on the Biden administration to insist that humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip must include shipments of fuel?

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To President Biden:

I urge your administration to pressure the Israeli government to allow for fuel deliveries to be made immediately to relief agencies and hospitals in the Gaza Strip.

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