Win Without War

Tell your Senators to Reject Tom Cotton's No START Bill

By threatening to unravel decades of progress in nuclear disarmament and jeopardizing global peace, Senator Tom Cotton's “No START” bill poses an alarming challenge to the very foundations of international cooperation.

This reckless bill not only seeks to withdraw the United States from the New START arms control treaty but also aims to fortify U.S. nuclear forces and restrict future arms control negotiations.

We must reject Senator Cotton’s proposal and actively work toward maintaining the frameworks that promote peace and prevent the catastrophic effects of nuclear warfare.

Don't allow Senator Cotton's No START bill become a dangerous reality. We must advocate for peace, security, and nuclear non-proliferation. Tell the Senate that Cotton’s “No START” bill is a non-starter. The future of global stability depends on it.

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To the Senate:

I strongly urge you to vote no and oppose Senator Tom Cotton’s No START Treaty Act - S.1674. Withdrawing from the New START treaty would unleash a dangerous nuclear arms race and increase the risk of nuclear war.

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