Congressional leadership made a mistake in inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session on July 24. This misguided invitation threatens to legitimize policies that have led to unprecedented suffering and loss of life in Gaza while undermining efforts for a critically needed ceasefire.
Right now, starvation continues to be used as a weapon of war in Gaza and the suffering and death toll there is rising. Fighting is worsening on the Israel-Lebanon border. In the face of all this, however, PM Netanyahu continues to ignore demands from millions of people — including hostages’ families and thousands of Israelis — to find a diplomatic solution that can end the violence, bring loved ones home, and build true security. The eruption of new violence in Israel and Yemen only reinforces the urgency of the moment.
PM Netanyahu's address would be a slap in the face to every victim directly harmed by his disastrous policies in Israel and Palestine, every community mourning loved ones, and every advocate for peace and human rights — but it doesn’t have to be.
By speaking out today you could help make this the moment when champions for peace in Congress show up to right the course by rescinding an invite that should never have been extended in the first place. Can you join us in sending that urgent message now?