Win Without War

Can you take 30 seconds to stop a U.S. gun trade that fuels global violence?

People talk a lot about violence in other countries, but did you know that as many as 70% of firearms recovered from Mexican crime scenes originated from the United States?

Every year, hundreds of thousands of guns flow south from the United States into Mexico and Central America, destabilizing our neighbors and fueling unspeakable violence at the hands of cartels.

Guns purchased here end up in the hands of drug cartels and armed militias who commit incredible violence in Mexico, Haiti, Jamaica, and more. That’s right, lax U.S. gun laws don’t just hurt people here, they are driving suffering across the Western hemisphere.

Thankfully, some in Congress are taking action. Reps. Joaquin Castro, Veronica Escobar, and Maxwell Frost just re-introduced the Stop Arming Cartels Act (H.R. 8427) to cut off the U.S. gun supply at its source.

Now, it’s on activists like us to help build enough support in Congress to get it passed. It's time for Congress to acknowledge and address the role U.S. gun laws play in international arms trafficking. If you agree, take 30 seconds to build support for this long-overdue legislation now.

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To members of the 118th House of Representatives:

The Stop Arming Cartels Act (H.R.8427) can help regulate the sale and trafficking of dangerous U.S. firearms to transnational criminal organizations around the world. I urge you to cosponsor this much needed legislation.

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