Win Without War

Act Now to Build Pressure in Congress to Get U.S. Weapons Out of Gaza

Over 100 members in the House, including Reps. Pramila Jayapal, Mark Pocan, Joaquin Castro, and Jason Crow, have taken a brave stand against the war machine. The following Representatives have sent letters to the White House, gotten the word out in the media, and taken courageous votes to get U.S. policy in line with U.S. law:

Alma Adams Sean Casten Lloyd Doggett
Becca Balint Joaquin Castro Veronica Escobar
Nanette Barragan Judy Chu Anna Eshoo
Ami Bera Steve Cohen Dwight Evans
Donald Beyer, Jr. Gerald Connolly Bill Foster
Earl Blumenauer Joe Courtney Valerie Foushee
Suzanne Bonamici Jasmine Crockett Maxwell Frost
Jamaal Bowman Jason Crow John Garamendi
Julia Brownley Danny Davis Robert Garcia
Cori Bush Madeleine Dean Jesus “Chuy” Garcia
Yadira Caraveo Diana DeGette Sylvia Garcia
Salud Carbajal Rosa DeLauro Mary Gay Scanlon
Andre Carson Chris Deluzio Jimmy Gomez
Troy Carter Mark DeSaulnier Al Green
Greg Casar Debbie Dingell Raul Grijalva
Jahana Hayes Zoe Lofgren Ayanna Pressley
Jim Himes Stephen Lynch Delia Ramirez
Eleanor Holmes Norton Doris Matsui Jamie Raskin
Chrissy Houlahan Jennifer McClellan Andrea Salinas
Val Hoyle Betty McCollum Jan Schakowsky
Jared Huffman Morgan McGarvey Robert Scott
Jonathan Jackson James McGovern Melanie Stansbury
Sara Jacobs Anna McLane Kuster Mark Takano
Pramila Jayapal Gregory Meeks Mike Thompson
Henry "Hank" Johnson Gwen Moore Rashida Tlaib
Sydney Kamlager-Dove Kevin Mullin Jill Tokuda
Marcy Kaptur Jerrold Nadler Paul Tonko
Robin Kelly Joe Neguse Lori Trahan
Ro Khanna Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gabe Vasquez
Daniel Kildee Ilhan Omar Nydia Velazquez
Andy Kim Nancy Pelosi Bonnie Watson Coleman
John Larson Brittany Pettersen Susan Wild
Summer Lee Chellie Pingree Nikema Williams
Barbara Lee Mark Pocan
Teresa Leger-Fernandez Katie Porter

This kind of leadership was crucial to pushing President Biden to refuse Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu weapons for his disastrous invasion of Rafah last week. Pressure like this is how we’ll see an end to months of devastating violence and build the political space to secure sustainable peace for people across Israel, Palestine, and beyond.

Our movement to end the violence and suffering in Gaza may be gaining crucial power, but our work isn’t finished. Right now, the vast majority of Congress still supports unconditional military aid to the Israeli government — and that’s why we need to keep going.

We’re organizing a thank you message to members of Congress who are steadfastly working to condition offensive military aid to the Israeli government. Can you remind these 100+ members of Congress that the anti-war majority is with them in this fight?

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To members of Congress speaking out against offensive weapons for the Israeli government:

Thank you for taking concrete actions to ensure that U.S. humanitarian protection laws are upheld. I strongly urge you to keep up the pressure to condition offensive military aid to Israel.

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