U.S. voters play a unique role in shaping not only the futures of people here at home but also the futures of millions of people around the world.
It’s been just over eleven years since the Supreme Court gutted the heart of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. In that short time, over 100 state laws suppressing the right to vote have been enacted. These laws shut out millions from participating in our electoral process and created gerrymandered congressional maps that dilute the voices of communities of color, low-income voters, and young people ― the same communities most affected by war and militarism.
We’re more committed than ever to doing all we can to ensure U.S. influence is used for good — and the right to vote sits at the bedrock of our work. When voter suppression silences the voices of the people, it pushes national priorities further away from the kind of policies that can build a world free from nuclear weapons, address climate change, hold corrupt politicians and war profiteers accountable, and ultimately, build a more peaceful world.
This isn't just about any one election ― it's also about our collective ability to define U.S. policies foreign and domestic. But for over a decade now, the fundamental right to vote has been under relentless attack. One solution? Congress MUST pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act immediately. Add your name to urge your members of Congress to protect and expand our voting rights today.