Win Without War

Close the Camps!

The U.S. government’s inhumane treatment of families seeking refuge continues to escalate at the U.S. southern border. Concentration camps coming to Pentagon property. Military servicemembers stationed at the border. Criminalizing kids and locking them in cages. Private contractors making a killing off of human suffering: The border has become a site for the tactics and infrastructure of war. 

And while Congress has known about conditions at the border for some time now, it has fallen short of holding the Trump administration accountable for its inhumane immigration policies. And it’s not just on the administration anymore — we have all failed migrant families.

That’s why this week, we have to do everything we can to push Congress to act together and end the horrors that migrant families continue to face.

Will you demand Congress close the camps at the border NOW?


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Dear Representatives and Senators, 

Please do everything in your power to end the atrocities at the southern border now. Your constituents, and activists from around the country, demand you:

1) Close the Camps. 

2) Not One Dollar for Family Detention and Deportation. 

3) Bear Witness and Reunite the Families.

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