Win Without War

Tell Harvard: Don’t platform hateful, dehumanizing views.

At a recent event at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Middle East Initiative, Jared Kushner’s callous disregard for the rights and dignity of Palestinians was on full display.

He spoke of forcibly relocating people and "cleaning up" Gaza with the casualness of someone discussing a business deal. Kushner called the Gaza Strip "valuable waterfront property" and said that a Palestinian state is "a super bad idea" that would reward an act of terror, equating millions of Palestinians with the abhorrent actions of Hamas.

You know what we think is a “super bad idea”? A powerful institution like Harvard amplifying Jared Kushner and his detestable views.

Kushner’s remarks have the potential to inflame already sky-high tensions and move us further away from the ceasefire we need to see implemented immediately to save lives in Gaza and get the remaining hostages back to their families. That’s why we need your help to send Harvard University an urgent message: Stop platforming Jared Kushner and take the video down immediately.

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Interim Harvard University President Alan Garber:

At a recent event at the Kennedy School of Government’s Middle East Initiative, Jared Kushner spoke of forcibly relocating people and "cleaning up" Gaza. His remarks have the potential to inflame already sky-high tensions and move us further away from the ceasefire we need implemented immediately to save lives and get the remaining hostages back to their families.

I urge you to take the video down immediately and rethink amplifying corrupt individuals like Jared Kushner moving forward.

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