Win Without War

Tell Pres. Biden: Secure a ceasefire NOW

The president has demonstrated pivotal leadership by restricting weapons transfers to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu as he goes forward with his disastrous invasion of Rafah.

It’s a welcome shift and let’s be clear: We got to this point because of months of relentless activism and advocacy — and our work isn’t finished.

We won’t stop until we secure a ceasefire that can save lives in Gaza, bring the hostages home, and set people in Israel and Palestine on a path to sustainable peace.

That’s why we’re joining Combatants for Peace, a joint Palestinian-Israeli community made up of former Israeli and Palestinian fighters, refuseniks, and non-violent activists, to dig deep and go further. Because while President Biden just took a huge step in the right direction, we could lose this critical momentum without a groundswell of support and pressure necessary to push him to hold firm.

Can you join thousands of people in taking 30 seconds today to urge President Biden to not only hold firm on this shift, but continue to use every ounce of U.S. influence possible to save lives in Israel, Palestine, and beyond?

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To President Biden:

Conditioning offensive weapons to the Israeli government is the right and necessary step to secure a ceasefire, stop an assault on Rafah, and get the remaining hostages home. We urge you to use every ounce of U.S. influence possible to end the violence and save lives.

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