Win Without War

Urgent: Time is Running Out for Survivors of Radiation Exposure!

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For far too long, veterans, Indigenous communities, and downwinders have suffered the invisible damage of radiation exposure, battling severe health problems and struggling under the weight of medical bills, fear, and suffering.

Extending and expanding the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) would ensure that these groups receive the recognition they deserve, the compensation they desperately need, and the promise that their suffering is not forgotten.

Luckily, the Senate recently took an incredible step with an overwhelming, bipartisan vote to ensure and expand RECA’s promise. It should be a no-brainer that the House follows suit, but with the clock ticking, the chance this legislation languishes is high. That’s where you come in.

The truth is that the U.S. government poisoned countless people to build bombs. Indigenous communities, uranium miners, veterans, and countless others were unknowingly and knowingly exposed to radiation for years — and many still suffer long-term health impacts. Your representatives have the power to deliver the justice that too many people have been denied for far too long.

Enter your information to send the message below directly to your Rep. demanding they pass the RECA expansion before it's too late. Survivors of radiation exposure have waited long enough — let's not let them down.

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