What’s standing between the United States being drawn into a full-blown regional war in the Middle East? The Biden administration.
You’ve no doubt seen that the Iranian government launched hundreds of drones and missiles on Israel in retaliation against the Netanyahu government’s earlier strike in Damascus. It’s an attack we utterly condemn.
Now our job is nothing short of stopping a region-wide war in the Middle East. A direct war between Israel and Iran — one sure to pull in the United States — would be a catastrophe that would put millions of lives in danger, including people here at home.
President Biden has told Prime Minister Netanyahu that the U.S. government won't support an Israeli counterattack on Iran. We need the president to know we not only support that decision, we want him to do more. Netanyahu’s devastating collective punishment and indiscriminate killing of people in Gaza is at the heart of this instability, and it needs to end. Now.
Tomorrow, the situation could quickly spiral again, especially with hawks in Congress ready to push for more war and devastation, and eager to exploit every opportunity to make a war with Iran a reality.
There are no military solutions to this crisis, only diplomatic ones. That’s why I’m writing to ask you to add your name to our petition calling on President Biden to use every diplomatic tool at his disposal to de-escalate this situation and save lives.
Win Without War is mobilizing people to join together to urge the Biden administration to take the lead in securing a ceasefire in Gaza and region-wide de-escalation, saving lives, and allowing millions currently holding their breath to exhale. Will you add your name?