When it comes to Gaza, the U.S. government can do so much more to save lives. The latest failure to use its influence for good is an effort to move forward with an $18 BILLION arms package that includes 50 F-15 fighter jets, air-to-air missiles, and JDAM kits that retrofit unguided bombs with precision guidance.
Approving these weapons sends a deeply troubling signal that the U.S. government is not truly interested in limiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s brutal and spiraling Gaza war. Even as the Biden administration increases pressure on the Israeli government to secure a ceasefire that can open the path to peace, it’s undercutting U.S. policy by rewarding PM Netanyahu and his far-right ministers for killing tens of thousands of people in Gaza, spurring a famine, and doing little to bring home the hostages or shore up the long-term security of Israelis and Palestinians.
The good news is that any Senator can force a vote to block this arms sale — but the window is tight. There’s just a 15-day congressional review period for arms sales like these.
We expect formal notification from the State any day now, and that’s why we’re organizing a petition to everyone in the Senate today. If one of our champs on the Hill opposes this sale and rallies others to do so, they’ll need to be ready to move fast, so please add your name now.