Win Without War

Take action for Indigenous people’s rights and sovereignty

We live on the land that tribal communities call home. Native tribes have held sacred stewardship over this land for countless generations. 

U.S history is rife with atrocities against tribal communities through relentless colonization and expansion. And it continues: All across the United States, hundreds of indigenous sacred sites on federal lands — places of harvest, medicines, ceremony, burial, and creation — are threatened and desecrated by harmful, irreparable development projects like pipelines, mining activities, and resource extraction. 

U.S. law fails to adequately protect Indigenous people’s interests — on and off reservations. But we have a chance to fix that. Two key bills in Congress would correct these injustices and ensure that Native people have a seat at the decision-making table when it comes to managing and protecting sacred and cultural sites.

While we cannot change the past, we have the power to shape the future. Speaking out now can help build the momentum needed to get these bills passed and to the President’s desk.

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To members of the 117th Congress:

I urge you to pass two critical bills: the Advancing Tribal Parity on Public Land Act (H.R. 8108/S.4421) and Tribal Cultural Areas Protection Act (H.R. 8109/S.4423).
