Win Without War

Tell Congress to investigate Jared Kushner's connections to Saudi Arabia

In 2021, Jared Kushner's investment firm, Affinity Partners, quickly amassed a staggering $2 billion investment from a Saudi fund overseen by the crown prince of Saudi Arabia himself. This came just 6 months after Kushner ended his White House role as Trump’s foreign policy adviser.

Given Kushner's significant involvement in shaping the Trump administration’s foreign policy strategies, especially those concerning Saudi Arabia, this rapid financial windfall raises several alarming questions. Was there a "quid pro quo" arrangement? Did Kushner's decisions in office benefit him financially down the line?

A subpoena into Kushner's Saudi-backed investment firm can help unearth potential conflicts of interest that could have dire ramifications, and Congressman Jamie Raskin's recent letter brings these to the forefront.

In the letter, Raskin meticulously details the timeline of investments into Kushner's firm, emphasizing the potential for "quid pro quo" scenarios based on Kushner's former role in the White House and his engagement with U.S. foreign policy regarding Saudi Arabia. This letter is not just an account but a call to action, pressing for a rigorous bipartisan investigation.

Help preserve the integrity of U.S. foreign policy. Become a grassroots co-signer of Congressman Jamie Raskin’s letter today and demand Congress launch a robust investigation into Jared Kushner's dealings with Saudi Arabia now.

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To members of the 118th House of Representatives:

I urge you to investigate Jared Kushner’s ties to the Saudi government and uncover whether there were any wrongdoings or quid pro quo agreements made to benefit Kushner during his time in government service.

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