Win Without War

Tell President Biden: His Nomination of Elliott Abrams is Unacceptable

Over the long 4th of July weekend, President Biden quietly nominated Elliott Abrams to the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy. 

Hardline neoconservative, architect of catastrophic interventions and coups in Latin America — someone who embodies the complete opposite of public diplomacy — yes that Elliott Abrams is the one Biden nominated.

His recent stint as Trump's special envoy to Iran and Venezuela should be a glaring reminder of his approach to foreign policy and reckless disregard for humanitarian concerns. And who could forget that Abrams' past includes pleading guilty to two counts of withholding information from Congress during the Iran-Contra scandal. 

It is deeply disturbing that Abrams, who deliberately misled Congress and the people of the United States, is now nominated to a diplomatic post. It’s incumbent upon President Biden to swiftly reconsider this nomination and demonstrate a commitment to upholding human rights.

Join the collective call to action against Elliott Abrams' nomination to the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy. 

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To President Biden:

I urge you to withdraw the disgraceful nomination of Elliott Abrams to serve on the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy. His nomination is an affront to the very idea of public diplomacy.


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