Win Without War

Sign Now to Urge Sec. Vilsack: Save Oak Flat!

The Biden administration is set to allow the destruction of the Chí’chil Biłdagoteel Historic District of Arizona, a high desert oasis considered sacred to multiple Indigenous tribes. 

Win Without War has been pushing back since 2021, when Trump fast-tracked the transfer of thousands of acres of land to — and we can’t make this up — a UK-Australian mining company notorious for polluting Papua New Guinea, causing an environmental disaster in Brazil that left 19 dead, and blowing up Juukan Gorge, a treasured 46,000-year-old Aboriginal site. 

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack would ignore this devastating history and allow Rio Tinto Resolution Copper Mining to carve a roughly 1,115-foot deep, 1.8 mile-wide CRATER in the area, commonly called “Oak Flat.”

Luckily, it’s not a done deal. One of the last steps to finalize the transfer is the publication of a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). Right now, the decision of whether to publish an FEIS is all up to the discretion of Secretary Vilsack — and that’s why he needs to hear from you today.

We can’t trust Rio Tinto to ensure this land gets the protections it requires. Add your name to urge Sec. Vilsack to withhold publication of the impact statement and ensure the preservation of Oak Flat for future generations!

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To Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack:

The destruction of sacred land cannot be undone. I urge you to withhold a Final Environmental Impact Statement from publication to save Oak Flat. 


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