Win Without War

Tell Sen. Cardin & Rep. Meeks: Thank you for centering human rights and justice!

Allegations that Senator Menendez sold U.S. foreign policy to the highest bidder are APPALLING, which is why we and multiple others have called for his resignation. But as the court case against Menendez plays out, a big chunk of funding to authoritarian Egyptian President Abdel-Fatah al-Sisi was all but a done deal — that is, until activists like you rang the alarm.

Within hours of our action alert, thousands of Win Without War activists alongside our partners took action, signing petitions and jumping on the phone to speak up for human rights and push back on corruption. And guess what? The pressure worked.

Just days later, Senator Ben Cardin and Representative Gregory Meeks, as the respective influential Democratic leads of Senate Foreign Relations and House Foreign Affairs, agreed to BLOCK hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid and arms sales to the Egyptian government over concerns of human rights abuse and corruption.

It isn’t easy to go against the tide and show up for peace, and that’s why when we see members of Congress do the right thing, we need to remind them that we’re with them. Can you take two seconds to add your name to a thank you note to Sen. Cardin and Rep. Meeks?

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To Senator Ben Cardin & Representative Gregory Meeks:

I applaud your decision to place a hold on hundreds of millions in military aid to Egypt’s government. Thank you for working to affirm principles of justice and human rights, particularly as allegations of corruption threaten the integrity of U.S. foreign policy.

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