Win Without War

Act Now: Tell MOCs Thank You for Skipping PM Netanyahu’s Speech

Whether it’s partnering with Israeli and Palestinian groups, U.S. movement leaders, or activists like you, we don’t work alone — and the crucial pushback we saw on PM Netanyahu’s warmongering this week couldn’t have happened without dozens and dozens of members of Congress joining in.

Axios reports that well over 100 legislators skipped this political stunt. Others chose to attend and protest:


Alma Adams Lloyd Doggett Betty McCollum
Nanette Barragán Veronica Escobar Jim McGovern
Ami Bera Anna Eshoo Grace Meng
Don Beyer Dwight Evans Gwen Moore
Lisa Blunt Rochester Valerie Foushee Seth Moulton
Susan Bonamici Maxwell Frost Kevin Mullin
Jamaal Bowman Ruben Gallego Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Brendan Boyle John Garamendi Ilhan Omar
Julia Brownley Chuy Garcia Bill Pascrell
Cori Bush Robert García Nancy Pelosi
Yadira Caraveo Al Green Mary Peltola
Tony Cardenas Raul Grijalva Chellie Pingree
Andre Carson Steven Horsford Mark Pocan
Ed Case Chrissy Houlahan Katie Porter
Sean Casten Jared Huffman Ayanna Pressley
Kathy Castor Sara Jacobs Jan Schakowsky
Joaquin Castro Pramila Jayapal Adam Smith
Judy Chu Hank Johnson Melanie Stansbury
Yvette Clarke Ro Khanna Mark Takano
Emanuel Cleaver Raja Krishnamoorthi Bennie Thompson
James Clyburn Rick Larsen Mike Thompson
Steve Cohen Summer Lee Rashida Tlaib
Gerald Connolly Barbara Lee Jill Tokuda
Jim Costa Teresa Leger Fernández Paul Tonko
Madeleine Dean Zoe Lofgren Lori Trahan
Diana DeGette Ben Luján Gabe Vasquez
Rosa DeLauro Stephen Lynch Nydia Velázquez
Suzan DelBene Seth Magaziner Bonnie Watson Coleman
Mark DeSaulnier Thomas Massie
Debbie Dingell Doris Matsui


Laphonza Butler Angus King Jeanne Shaheen
Ben Cardin Ben Luján Chris Van Hollen
Tom Carper Ed Markey Elizabeth Warren
Catherine Cortez Masto Jeff Merkley Peter Welch
Tammy Duckworth Patty Murray Sheldon Whitehouse
Dick Durbin Rand Paul Ron Wyden
Martin Heinrich Jack Reed
Mazie Hirono Bernie Sanders
Tim Kaine Brian Schatz

This leadership is how we’ll upend the misguided notion that more bombs and bullets will build security. It’s not easy for a member of Congress to take a brave stand against the war machine, and gratitude can go a long way to ensure they keep it up. That’s why if we want to see more actions like this, these members need to hear from you now:

We’re organizing a thank you message to members of Congress who protested and skipped PM Netanyahu’s speech. Help send a clear reminder that when people speak up for peace, the anti-war majority will be with them. Sign now.

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To members of Congress choosing peace over war:

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s warmongering should have never been given a congressional stage. Thank you for choosing to show up for peace instead.

Your leadership is crucial to ending the violence, getting the remaining hostages home, and building a lasting peace in Israel, Palestine, and beyond. I urge you to continue listening to the overwhelming voices of people across the world, including constituents like me, and do everything you can to secure a ceasefire.

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